God, Where Are You?
By Stacy James
July 23, 2004
God, where are you? You seem so far
I’m hurting down here and don’t know where you are
My life’s in a shambles; I can’t pay my bills
I’m having a hard time just trying to live
My heart has been broken; I’m dying inside
The love of my life has just left me behind
My career’s unfulfilling; I’ve been disappointed
I just can’t live up to this job I’m appointed
And nobody understands how tough it is
To work hard all day and alone raise my kids
Can you give me some help? Let me know that you care?
Can you send some relief down to earth from up there?
“My child, I see all your struggles and pain,
Your broken-up heart; your emotional strain
I care that your loved one has left you alone
Your cries do not fall on deaf ears from My Throne
I know it’s been tough to make ends meet right now
And your kids do not always make you so proud
But your journey through life will not always be fun
You’ll have uphills and downhills and rough roads to run
You’ll have twists; you’ll have turns that you cannot foresee
But whatever your path, it was all planned by Me
And although you don’t like it, sometimes I allow
Those trials and those struggles to grow you somehow
Your character, child, is the thing I am wanting
To be like My Son, who is holy and loving
And whether I caused it, or somehow allowed it
For your good or My Glory, I love you - don’t doubt it!
Ask “What can I learn?” and “How can I grow?” ”Is there some kind of sin that I need to let go?”
“Is there someone I need to love when it’s tough?” ”Do I need to forgive when I’m hurting so much?”
or, “What does God want to teach me right now?”
“Is there some kind of idol I need to throw out?”
Sometimes your faith will be tested and tried
To see if it’s real way deep down inside
And when you are tested and come forth like gold
Your eternal reward will be riches untold
And remember that earth is a temporal place
It’s not meant to be perfect, not now anyway!
The only place perfect is Heaven above
But until you come Home you must learn how to love
So your trials are all part of life, my dear friend
To develop and mold you for good, ‘til the end
So do not give up; keep on talking to Me
Your prayers will get through, and I’ll help meet your needs
Keep reading My Word and trusting by faith
That you’re my special child who I bought with My Grace
And someday you’ll see the picture so clear
And exactly the way I was working down there
So hang on; stay true; and finish the race
Fight the good fight; above all – KEEP THE FAITH!”
Copyright © 2004 by Stacy James